
plunksniniai debesys

Rungtyniaudama su kalendoriumi vis bandau pasimėgauti paskutinėmis šiltomis dienomis. Rytus leidžiu prie ežero, dienas prie jūros, vakarus ant stogų, o naktis baruose. Stengiuosi užmiršti viską aplink save ir mėgautis akimirkomis, mažutėliais dalykais, kurie begėdiškai priverčia mane nusišypsoti, paimti ką nors už rankos ir parodyti žvaigždes. Kaip gera įsitraukti į vasarą, jausti ją visu kūnu! Šiais metais manoji vasara buvo kaip niekad įtempta, bet džiaugiuosi, kad nors likus iki jos pabaigos trims dienoms aš dar galiu ja pasimėgauti ramia širdute. Pagaliau. Viskas tuoj tuoj keisis, labai stipriai keisis, bet dabar aš visiškai nenoriu apie tai galvoti. Noriu eiti į gatves, kurios pirmą kartą gyvenime atrodo mielos širdžiai, grožėtis (taip! grožėtis!) savo miestu ir tiesiog bastytis su draugais be tikslo. Tik ne per ilgai. Nes grįžus noriu įpilti vyno sau ir mamai, ir sukritus į lovą pusę nakties kvatojantis vieną po kitos žiūrėti sex and the city serijas. O prieš užmiegant įsikniaubti į katytės kailiuką ir besiklausant jos tylaus kvėpavimo užmigti. 

Prieš atsisveikinant viską myliu tūkstantį kartų labiau.

another day by the sea


la valse d' amelie

Sort of a nostalgic day at my oldest friend's place with childhood memories, vermouth and sounds of accordeon. And laughter, of course. Oh and tasty food. Mmm.

summer, darling, don't leave us!


these big green eyes!

A friend of my mum has adopted a kitten! She‘s such a good woman (it‘s the fourth or the fifth animal that she takes from the street or the shelter!) and such an inspiration for me. We went to visit the baby and had a really lovely brunch. That was the perfect start for a tiring day:)


homemade lip balm

I used:

♥ coconut butter
♥ almond oil
♥ shea butter
♥ the body shop raspberry body butter (a tiny drop for that heavenly smell!)
♥ mac powdery eye shadows (a little bit of golden dust:))
♥ tiny amounts of pupa and max factor eye shadows (for red, pink and nude colors and
   some silver for the glitter)
♥ the body shop tester containers

Of course, you can use whatever you like. I really loved stirring melted oils and mixing different eyeshadows, I felt like a little witch :)

Now I am ready for the winter and harsh winds of UK in such a natural way! (If you want it to be completely natural use only butters and oils. Also melted beeswax is perfect for this, it's a shame I didn't have any!)



sunday's breakfast

Yay, I'm sick, everybody says it's nervous-based. But I'm more relaxed than ever, I just don't care about anything anymore. I did what I could. The fate will decide everything for me, I just have to wait. Again.

I somehow got this weird inspiration to make something, you know, create, organize.. Well, it seems I have time for it. I wonder how many entries of my summer's must-do list are still left. I guess these days I'll be putting ticks like crazy:)