Do you know how bad it hurts when you read posts about careless summertime, long nights, light (and heavy!) drinks, loud music and stuff, and you stay at home and the only thing you allow yourself to do is watch a random movie before going to bed? 8 days of pain are left for me. I try to study, I swear - I do my best, but it's simply impossible. It's so hot, I just can't concentrate. And when I do I accidently get a message inviting me to go by the lake or come to a party. And then I start feeling pity for myself and later I dream about the time I would be spending. I did terribly in my previous exam and I don't have any motivation to study for the next one. But as I said - I try to do my best. Today I jumped into a car and went to the garden, I thought it would be quiet, relaxing and inspiring to work. Haha, right. Idea no.1 failed at once: it's impossible to sunbathe and concentrate on studying at the same time. Idea no.2 seemed to be just perfect: laying in the shadow under a tree on the other side of the garden, so cool and peaceful! But I'm quite a city girl and all those bugs dropping on me from the tree and climbing on my mat from the grass weren't very attractive. No, I wasn't scared or anything, it's just I paid too much attention to them and forgot my books. Idea no.3 was to barricade myself in the house, away from all those distractions. But I started to hear dogs barking, birds singing (yes, even they bothered me! What a horrible person am I??), people walking by.. Eventually I caught myself texting my BFF. After a waisted hour in the garden I packed my stuff and went home to study in darkness, with all windows shut to prevent incoming sounds. I'm starting to become a little freak, I swear.
Enjoy your summer.
Seriously, you don't know how precious it is.
oh babe;/ ateis ir tavoji vasara, viskas bus gerai:) kartais turim pagyventi siek tiek sudinai, kad po to ateitu gerasis gyvenimo periodas ;)
ReplyDeletezinauuu! kai pagalvoji, liko tiek nedaug.. iskentesiu kaip nors, o tada!!! :)
ReplyDeleteTikra kančia kai už lango toks puikus oras..;/
ReplyDeleteDidžiulės tau sėkmės ir pagalvok kaaaaip bus gera po tokių sunkumų turėti užsitarnautą vasarą:))
ReplyDeletePS. labai gražus naujas blogo dizainas:)*
Aciu, saulyt!;*
ReplyDeletePatikėk, po visų tokių laukimų,svajonių ir planavimų, po tokių nekantravimų, kai negali gauti kažko tas dalykas kaip tik būna kažkoks "more special than it ever was". Tokia ir Tavo vasara bus, pamatysi ! ;*
ReplyDeleteir P.S. blogo dizainas tikrai labai gražiai žiūrisi. :)
ReplyDeleteaaaciu!;* va grynai, taip skaitau apie koki ribentropa ir nejuciom galvoju apie silta smeliuka ir vesu vandenuka.. nesvaistysiu sitos vasareles, oi neee:))